Effective for applications received dates on or after June 11, 2020, the following guidelines apply for self-employed borrowers and are based on direction announced in Fannie Mae LL-2020-03 and Freddie Mac Bulletin 2020-19.
Temporary Guidance for Self-Employed Borrowers
Effective for applications received dates on or after June 11, 2020, the following guidelines apply for self-employed borrowers and are based on direction announced in Fannie Mae LL-2020-03 and Freddie Mac Bulletin 2020-19.
Extra due diligence must be practiced to understand the impact of the pandemic on a borrower’s business revenue and expenses and to determine stability and continuance of income. Each business and business situation will be different. This includes borrowers who receive a large portion or all of the income from commission or variable income. Their income may be impacted in similar ways as self-employed borrowers.
To read the entire announcement, click here.